"As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. " John 9:1-2

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Hope Filled School Year

September is here…and if you are a special parent, September usually brings concerns and tension for the upcoming school year. Even if everything at school went well for your child last year, the thoughts of a new teacher, maybe a new school or therapist, etc….can bring upon anxiety in all of us.

I have always done my best to take a deep breath and hope for the best with each school year. I strongly believe that if our mindset and attitude is positive from the beginning, we have reason to hope for the entire year. I have heard so many stories from families over the years that have had negative experiences with their school district when it comes to obtaining the necessary services for their child. I completely understand that the decision making during these days can be overwhelming. But at the same time, I know that if we do our best to have an open mind in this process of Individualized Education Plans, testing, specialists, and the frequent meetings we attend, that we will have a better chance of obtaining what is best for our child in the school setting.

I feel that having a “not go in fighting” attitude is very important. I realize that at times we all might not agree with every detail of school based services, but it is vital that we keep our emotions in check during this process…(I know because we have our individual opinions regarding what is best for our kids this is easier said than done).

My prayer for all of us this month is that we will have the strength to dig deep into our well of faith, and strive to see the big picture of school based services.

Understand that I am not suggesting that you don’t stand up for what your child needs in school, and making sure that the school following the guidelines of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). But I strongly feel that we should, as special parents, make every effort to meet these professionals half way. After all, our kids spend many hours a week in their care.

I’m sure every parent reading this can think of at least one school professional that has make a huge different in your child’s life. ( I know I can think of many). We must remember that they chose this profession to help and support kids—the teachers, therapists, aides, and administration. The ones that stick out in our minds are what we need to focus on…and hold on to the hope that these angels that were sent to our schools will continue to surface in our children’s lives.

We were chosen by God to be the parents of differently-abled children. Because of this, we were born with the ability to have strength that we never knew we had, and advocate for what is best for our kids. In addition to school-based services, most of our kids have multiple therapy and physician appointments after their school day. So in order to have the stamina to assist them with school demands as well as get through these appointments, we have to prioritize what we expend our energy on.

I’m a huge fan of saving my special parent energy on what matters most based on what the day or month will bring. I hope and pray that this school year for your child and for you will be filled with many positive filled days… Days when you have a clear picture of what you have the ability to accomplish with all the professionals in your child’s life, and have a vessel of reserved energy that you can draw from when you need it.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Angels Umong Us

Whatever kind of delay or disability that your child deals with daily, I’m sure part of your week is spent with some kind of pediatric therapist—Speech and Language, Physical, Occupational, Auditory Verbal, etc.... You have learned from these experts how to interpret certain aspects of your child’s development. They probably have become like part of your extended family, and have taught you how to help your child at home reach his or her highest potential.
     Think about it---these individuals, maybe many years ago, chose to go to school to learn about how to help our kids meet goals and be productive regardless of disability, before some of them were even born-- That fact never ceases to overwhelm me.
     Throughout the past eleven years with the journey of cerebral palsy with my daughter, we have had the privilege to encounter several therapists. The most appropriate descriptive word I think describes them all is angel. My favorite definition of angel from Dictionary.com is “a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God.” I firmly believe from the depths of my being that we special parents were chosen by God to parent our kids; and He has sent angels on a mission to provide therapy for our kids—in home, outpatient, inpatient, and in school. Isn’t that awesome? These angels existed in the therapy world before our kids were born, and they so beautifully make themselves visible to us when our kids are in need of their help.
     The angels we have had in our lives thus far all seem to have the same personal qualities that are divinely distributed—passion, determination, compassion, persistence, hope...all come to mind instantly. Who are the angels in your child’s life? How did you find them, or did they find you? Do you ever wonder how you helped your child succeed before they came into your world?
     From our experiences, the speech pathologists hear things we don’t hear, the physical and occupational therapists see things we don’t see. They all make us look at and listen to our kids from their unique heavenly perspective. They offer suggestions and plans that challenge our kids, but at the same time offer us hope and inspiration for their futures.
     All of my daughter’s therapists are an important part of her team—they all have her best interest in mind. They openly answer questions my husband and I have regarding her future, and our aspirations. Their words are definitely sacred; we feel God definitely placed them in our path to guide this part of our journey.
     I feel compelled as a mother to share some facts regarding one of Olivia’s angels that makes herself apparent to the human eye as an occupational therapist. She is definitely on a divine mission. Linda Ankerman is a friend of our family, and for the past ten years, she has blessed us with her knowledge, skills, heart, and love… every month, without asking for anything in return (in addition to working a full time job). She is the epitome of what it means to be a servant of God—her unselfishness amazes me.
     So the next time you have a bad day and are thinking “Why me?, Why my  child?”, just remember He thinks so much of our special kids that He has sent His angels to personally take care of them. What could be better?
