"As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. " John 9:1-2

Monday, July 1, 2013

Deep Breaths

     Do you know what it means to have time to yourself? Can you remember the last time you did something just for you? No kids, no significant other, just you? If the next few minutes as you’re reading this are the closest thing to you having time to yourself recently, please pay attention....we moms have to take care of ourselves in order to take care of our families...I think my husband says it best, “When Mommy is happy, everyone is happy!”
 I am very passionate about this subject because even though I work full time, I still need “me” time—and my family needs me to have it!  I am a much better mother and wife when I get time each week that is just mine.  I know some of you are thinking, “I don’t have anyone that I can leave my child with that will take care of him or her the way I do...my child just has too many needs, I probably wouldn’t be able to relax if I did get any time away...” I know these words are true for so many of you, and I’m not suggesting by any means that you take time away from your child’s daily needs or routines if it is impossible, but what I am saying is to try each day to take small steps toward time for yourself...even if it is taking a shower without any interruptions (I’m sure for many of you, it is a plus even if you get to go to the bathroom without anyone needing anything!).  I know a very special mom that explained to me how when her daughter first went to school with her aide, she would stand by the window and watch them get on through the window, and as the bus rode off, she would stand by  the window and look at the peacefulness of the morning, and just take a few deep breaths...that was her time, no one else’s...you see, most of her days were filled with thoughts of wondering if her daughter would make it through the school day without having any seizures, or that if she would be able to tolerate being at school the entire day...but for those few moments after she got on the bus, this mom got her own time the only way she could, knowing that she would face the obstacles of her day better if she took those few deep breaths.
 If you can start with small things, eventually you can ease you way to more time.  Take a walk around the block, or even just down the driveway. 
Go outside and enjoy the weather.  Listen to music that is just yours...find the one thing that brings you a sense of peace.  I believe if we do these kinds of things every day, we are more productive with our kids, and our thoughts automatically are driven toward positive things; and isn’t that our main focus every day? If we can’t have positive hope for our kids, than who can?  We must nurture ourselves any way we can to stay in that state of positive expectancy...We owe it to our kids.  They deserve it, and so do we!


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